
Engine components are the beating heart of every car's performance. The secret to Aisin Takaoka's mastery of high fuel-economy, environmentally friendly products is our substantial know-how.

  • High-capability exhaust module (stainless steel)

    Exhaust manifold, pre- and main catalytic converter, modules made from pipe. Featuring high-speed catalytic activation at low-heat, it achieves low emissions, high output, low cost, and lighter weight.

  • Catalytic integrated SUS air gapped exhaust manifold (stainless steel and cast iron)

    Through integrated structure of the exhaust manifold and catalytic converter, we aimed for quick catalytic activation and an excellent exhaust gas purification capability. Consisting of the slim and low-heat inner pipe, as well as the outside pipe which guards it, the catalytic converter brings about a higher warmup and higher exhaust purification.

  • High-output SUS exhaust manifold (stainless steel)

  • Air-injection path-integrated SUS exhaust manifold (stainless steel and cast iron)

  • Vanadium cast iron exhaust manifold (cast iron)

  • Turbine housing (High Nickel niresist cast iron)

  • Turbine housing (Niresist cast iron)

  • Bearing Cap (Cast iron)

  • Flywheel (Cast iron)
